International Child and Youth Writers Meeting - that have published book by a 'solidarity cause'.

In Principado da Infância you will find fantastic stories of many children who will participate on this meeting.

The idea of creating an event of this size, to gather talented and solidarity children of the world, came from the brazilian mirim writer Alice Victoria Rocha Silva, twelve years. This girl who was featured in the magazine Isto É (April 2013), as "Pride of Brazil", has published three books and is set to release the fourth very soon.

Alice Vitoria published her first book "The Chocolate Monster” (2010) - published in four languages (Portuguese, English, French and Spanish) - never stopped writing. This book was exposed in The London Book Fair and the Frankfurt Book Fair, and has led the authoress to participate in various biennials of books in Brazil, as the largest in the country, the International Book Biennial of São Paulo. The book "The Chocolate Monster" has also been adapted for TV in the Program Raul Gil, on Brazilian Sytem Television (SBT), and displayed in Domingão Faustão, to the Globo system of television.

The second book in the promising career of this remarkable little authoress of "The good little Witch and the Circus Mice” - containing the foreword of Mauricío de Sousa (creator of Monica's Gang), was launched last year at the Bienal de São Paulo, already the third book "Adventures of Aurora, a very special stray Labra" is being finalized and will be released early next month, while the fourth title "Princess Malala” in honor of Malala Yousafzair will be released internationally during realization of the "International little meeting" and the income will go to the Foundation Malala.

The "International Children and Youth Writers Meeting" will take place at the Brazil. The Event location will be transformed into a gigantic modern castle, where children and young talent from Brazil and other countries will be able to conduct a cultural exchange, trading books, experience and sell their works with all income going to their own "cause".

Renowned writers in Brazil and abroad are also being invited to give lectures, seminars and discuss the theme of International little meeting which is "After all, what children want to tell the world?".

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sexta-feira, 17 de março de 2017

Youtubers, Creators, Influenciadores Digitais...

Youtubers, Creators, Influenciadores Digitais... A Infância talentosa  não merece isso!

O modismo digital dos jovens youtubers no Brasil que arrebanha quase 200 milhões de seguidores, e que sinceramente, devem ter ciclo de vida muito breve (creio eu). Um ambiente virtual, em sua grande maioria, inóspito ao ser humano de bom senso e que tenha, pelo menos,  mediana capacidade de discernimento, além de hostil ao que há de mais sagrado entre os seres vivos do Universo, a infância.  Em função da maneira  como são apresentados seus conteúdos, absolutamente desprovidos da necessária seletividade de público, vez que, a maioria desses 'youtubers' se utilizam de termos muito chulos, e por esta razão deveriam mesmo, ao invés de explorar a inocência infante, alertar para classificação etária, porque contém muitas depravações, sendo portanto, um ambiente indigno e nefasto para crianças e jovens em desenvolvimento.
Para se ter uma ideia de como se popularizou no Brasil e em outras partes do mundo esse tipo de 'negócio' desregrado, mas de grande utilidade para empresas que, a partir de alguma avaliação 'criteriosa'   elaborada por seus 'especialistas' em alcançar potenciais consumidores a qualquer custo, convenceu-se de que associar a marca do seu produto a esses canais do Youtube aumentaria muito suas vendas. Infelizmente!

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